Most itt az 6. rész, ide is várunk sok pacit :) A táblán Dorcsy Laffeel-je van.
Eddigi nyertesek:
Gold Bless
Dare to Dream
Lord Zephyr
Kizárások, figyelmeztetések:
PS Vulcain II.: nincs boxlink!
Canneth: Kizárva, irekt írtam, hogy ne fejképet hozz!
Venturo: nincs boxlink!
52 / 25 -re nyert Sir Lost
Kiválasztottak: Rebel és Perseus
Stay Alive, Wind Rose, Rockin' Rock Cat, Rockin N Dirty, Chicago' Rose, PS Vulcain II., Rebel, Perseus, Bello il Sogno, Flip, Venturo, Comedius, SJC Dare, Fire Chrystal, Skip Away Remembered, Living The Go, Brown Chocolate, Devil Squartare, Ghost of Forest, Magical Kolohh, Steiermark Seven, Soul Light, Music Day C, Fabregas di Silla, Applejack, Oursin Blueberry, L'Amour, Dark Casino, Allegro, Star Life, Gemma Jewel, L'amour d'un Amour, Declarento uno Vienna, Neptune Zoc, Justified Applause
DonnerDale, Puerto's Diamond, PS Revense, Vanill, Cool, Moon, Minuscule Colibri, Visconde, Speed Heart, Come to Me, SC Nova Stranka Furioso, Madmoseille, Fletcher, Unbridled Memories, Chocolate Cream, Scenic Blast, Don Schufro, Indian Blessing, Arnica de la Barre
Millie, Mina, Valparaiso, Monsi, Toscano, Khemabelle, Winteso, Boston, Cabarin, Excuse, Thunder, Yamano, Cedric, Skara, Ofelia's Dream, Mysterious Dream, Secondo la Rotta, Success's King, Big Carrion, Titan 764, Ambitious and Beyond, Trenton
ELITE, BEST, 1st in VI. Synline Appearance, Nice horse
1.000.000 lbp
NICE, Pretty, 2nd in VI. Synline Appearance, Pretty horse
800.000 lbp
GOOD, 3rd in VI. Synline Appearance, Good Horse
600.000 lbp
Sir Lost:
ELITE, ABSOLUTE, BEST, Absolute Winner in V. Synline Appearance, Beautiful horse in V. Synline Appearance from Synline
10.000.000 lbp